Browse Entities by Repository - R

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University Archives
1934 - Chemistry Laboratories named The David Avery Laboratories (21 March 1934)
1934 - Sir John and Lady Higgins Chemistry Laboratories opened (21 March 1934)
1935 - Zoning system proposed for Junior Technical Schools
1937 - Naming of R. B. McComas Wool School (14 October 1937)
1937 - The Education Department issued a directive that staff must retire on their 65th birthday
1939 - Francis Ormond School of Mathematics Opened (29 November 1939)
Bradshaw, James Henry (c. 1861 - 1935)
Bruce, William (1866 - 1946)
Burke, Frances Mary (1907 - 1994), Textile designer
Campbell, Frederick Alexander (1849 - 1930), Educationist and Engineer
College of Domestic Economy (1906 - 1926)
Dewar, James William
Early Female Graduates of the Working Men's College
Ellis, Constance (1872 - 1942), Medical practitioner
Emily McPherson College of Domestic Economy (1927 - 1979)
Farlow, George Robert ( - 1935)
Kernot, Wilfrid Noyce (1868 - 1945), Engineer
Lodge, J. H.
McIntosh, J. S. (c. 1866 - 1934)
McNicol, James Norman
Melbourne College of Decoration (1976 - 1992)
Melbourne College of Printing and Graphic Arts (1971 - 1994)
Melbourne College of Textiles (1970 - 1995)
Melbourne Junior Technical School (1912 - 1920)
Melbourne Printing Trades School (1950)
Melbourne School of Printing and Graphic Arts (1950 - 1971)
Melbourne School of Textiles (1963 - 1970)
Melbourne Technical College (1934 - 1954)
Melbourne Textile Trades School (1949 - 1963)
Preston Technical College (1965 - 1981)
Pritchard, George Baxter (1869 - 1956), Geologist
Richards, Edwin Stuart (1883 - 1936)
Rodda, Stanley Northey ( - c. 1939), Principal
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (1960 - 1992)
Royal Melbourne Technical College (1954 - 1960)
Shappere, Myrie Phillippa (c. 1887 - 1962), Food analyst
Tegetmeier, Ida (1855 - 1947), Domestic Science teacher and Educationist
West Melbourne Technical School (1920 - 1932)
Working Men's College (1887 - 1934)
Working Men's College Junior School (1928 - c. 1938)
Working Men's College Preparatory School (1919 - 1928)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University Library
Building 19 (Former City Watch House) (1908 - )
Building 20 (Former Magistrates Court) (1913 - )
Building 51 (Frederick Campbell Building) (1973 - )
Building 56 (Ronald R. Mackay Building) (c. 1976 - )
Emily McPherson College of Domestic Economy (1927 - 1979)
McPherson, Ethel Margaret